When you own a business of any kind, you need an insurance policy that will protect it. In particular, you need business insurance that perfectly suits your industry, and we are proud to offer it. When you get an insurance policy from us, you are taking the first step toward protecting your business, your employees, and yourself.
There are so many ways to protect your business to include your business’ property, income and financial assets. For that you’ll want a Business Owner’s Policy (BOP), which combines important coverages into one, including:
- Physical locations
- Tools
- Computers
- Inventory
- Accounts receivable
- Bodily injury
- Property damage
- Advertising mistakes
There are a lot of insurance products available to protect your business, your assets and yourself from potential liability issues. These include but are not limited to:
- Workers Compensation
- Errors and Omissions
- Professional Liability
- Bonds
- Commercial Autos
- and so much more!