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Annuities are insurance contracts that provide a fixed income stream for a person’s lifetime or a specified period of time. An annuity can be purchased with a lump sum or a series of payments and begin paying out almost immediately or at some point in the future. Annuities are often used as a way to fund retirement.

Make sure you’re covering all your bases. Read on to see all that NWIS has to offer.


A SPIA (Single Premium Immediate Annuity) is a contract between you and an insurance company designed for income purposes only.


A SPIA is a contract between you and an insurance company designed for income purposes only.

Deferred Annuities

A deferred annuity is a contract with an insurance company that promises to pay the owner a regular income, or a lump sum, at some future date.


A pension plan is a retirement plan that requires an employer to make contributions to a pool of funds set aside for a worker's future benefit.

Annuties Explained

Annuities can be optimized for income or long-term growth, but they are not short-term investment strategies. These products appeal to people whose objectives include long-term financial security, retirement income, diversification and principal preservation.

Key Takeaways

An annuity is a customizable contract issued by an insurance company that converts an investor’s premiums into a guaranteed fixed income stream.
The type of annuity you purchase determines your future annuity payments.
The primary benefits of buying an annuity include principal protection, the potential for guaranteed lifetime income and the option to leave money to your beneficiaries. Some annuities may also be optimized to help pay for long-term care.
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          Melbourne, Australia
          (Sat - Thursday)
          (10am - 05 pm)